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Offre pour les nouveaux clients

Starter Kit 420 Eur + VAT

The Starter Kit is a commercial promotion by ISGroup that allows who is new to our professional services to audit his own Internet exposed website at an extremely interesting price of

420 Eur + VAT


The offer is not a replacement of a full featured analysis like the one executed during a classic Web Application Penetration Test (WAPT) but gives an effective insight of the web site or application security level.

The activity is executed by a Senior technician for the duration of a whole working day and highlights the most evident security holes. The techniques that we use are non-invasive in order to minimize issues and malfunctions of customer's infrastructure.

The Starter Kit promotion allows us to know each other and see the care and commitment with which we execute our work. Once we work for you, you will definitely ask for us again!

Money back Guarantee

We are sure of our abilities, in fact we guarantee 100% money back if you are not satisfied.


Complies with the law regulations because it is made following the OWASP and OSTMM international standards.

Reserved to new customers

Discover our information security services and our workflow in an economic and easy way.

Starter Kit is a limited offer in quantity and time

Write us for more


Once the payment has been made and the necessary data have been communicated, you will be contacted by phone.

You will be exposed to the methods in which normally this WAPT in reduced format is carried out and you can communicate all the directives according to which to carry out the activity.

A classic example are exclusions from certain areas or pages.

The collected information will be part of a legal contract that has to be signed for approval and has to be returned to us by PEC or registered mail.

At this point a Senior auditor will be scheduled for a whole day of testing on the target that you specified.

Then he will document his activity in a report.

Such Report will be delivered and discussed with you, and contains all the found security issues in a brief summarized and clean way.

In case the issues are of big impact for your business we will gladly show you to the steps to follow in order to resolve them and improve the security posture of your company.

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